How I Feel vs. How I Look

One of the biggest challenges we face with lupus is that it’s mostly invisible. Aside from the scars on my face (which most people will not immediately associate with lupus) you don’t know I’m sick until I tell you. With this invisible disease comes challenges; how I look doesn’t always correspond with how I feel. It might seem strange, and I definitely can’t say it works every single time, but looking good and dressing up despite how much pain I’m in has helped me.

On days I feel the worst, days where my muscles ache for no reason, days I’m low on spoons, I try to dress up to balance everything. Sure I don’t always feel like it, but I’ve found that on days when I take a little extra time in the mirror and put on that fierce pick me up lipstick (we all have it) I feel a little brighter. And to be honest, sometimes that’s all I need.

I liken this practice to positive thinking. Be the light that you wish to emit, mentality. It can really get you through the tough days. I won’t pretend that I don’t have days that are giant pity parties but it can always be worse and I try very hard to keep that in perspective.

Lupus might kick my ass on some days but I’ll be damned if I don’t look fabulous regardless. I happen to have lupus, but lupus certainly doesn’t own me.


This is a recent picture from a trip to Portland last weekend. I love how carefree and happy I am here. 😀 Stay positive my friends!

Discover Soapwalla


Having Discoid lupus, an auto-immune disease, causes skin sensitivity to harsh chemicals and because of this I am constantly looking for natural skin care products. I like to think that I would care about the ingredients in my products even if I didn’t have lupus but hey, who knows. I do think it’s important for everyone to look at what they’re putting on their bodies, whether it’s hair products, makeup, or general skin care. Our bodies are absorbing all the stuff we put on it, so let’s try not to use products with ingredients no one can pronounce!

A while ago (it’s been years) I stopped using conventional deodorant. I didn’t like the idea of rubbing a stick containing aluminum on my underarms. I searched for alternate types of anti-antiperspirants and for some time settled on Tom’s. Tom’s has been alright and for the most part it works. Still, when I heard about Soapwalla and their natural deodorant cream, I couldn’t wait to try it. Unlike so many other deodorants on the market, this cream is formulated without the use of aluminum zirconium, sulfates, parabens, and petroleum. And yes, at first I was hesitant of a cream, am I supposed to rub this all over my underarms? But I can assure you it’s really not bad at all. The texture is like creamy frosting. Frost yourself my friends!

One thing I will note is that I used it once after I shaved and did experience minor irritation. The website clearly mentions this can occur but I took a chance. I like to live on the edge. ha!

I especially love that Soapwalla mentioned Lupus Awareness Month on their e-mail last week so yay for that! For the entire month of May they are donating a portion of their proceeds to Lupus Foundation of America and New York City Lupus Foundation. I have an excuse to try some more of their products, and for a great cause! Who doesn’t love handmade, vegan goodness?

If you’re interested in their story or simply want to try their natural goodies for yourself, please do! The founder actually has SLE so I am now happily supportive of her brand, mission, and with my limited exposure aside, products.

Lastly, please note that the above mentioned product was purchased with my own funds and I am not in any way affiliated with Soapwalla. The above opinions are my own. In the event I do receive compensation or use affiliate links I will always let my readers know.


May is Lupus Awareness Month!

lupus awareness image

Did you know that May is the LFA’s* dedicated Lupus Awareness Month (LAM)? As a result, I’ve decided to start a Discover series to spotlight my favorite brands who are also supporters or advocates of lupus. I am a brand loyalist through and through, though I love finding new brands who have beliefs which align with mine. This is not to say the companies must write monthly checks to LFA (or some other lupus non-profit), but if they so much as mention LAM I might be more than simply intrigued.

Stay out of the sun, protect yourself, and love the skin you’re in.

*For more information about lupus, please visit the Lupus Foundation of America’s homepage. 

